Live Cell Extract Gold
Cherro Live Cell Extract Gold is a super bioactivity mechanism, which is more than ordinary cells. It effectively active aging cell, enhances metabolism function and stimulates production of T lymphocyte cell to enhance the body’s defense system. It also helps to prevent all types of human cell aging, skin eruptions and many other metabolic related diseases.
Cherro Live Cell Extract Gold contains Body Fluid Factor to regulate the imbalance internal secretary function and to delay menopause syndrome, improve infertility, increase postnatal cervix contraction, visibly reduce skin pigmentation, chloasma, butterfly speckles, dryness and sagging skin. It also effectively heals surgery wound during recovery period (injection may start before or after surgery).
The rich DNA content in Cherro Live Cell Extract Gold not only can prevent human from premature aging, by prolonging youthfulness from inside to outside, it also accelerates the formation of the composition of Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen and Fibre. All these possess good hydrophilic city, thus maintaining adequate moisture in the skin to promote skin firmness and elasticity. It helps to reduce wrinkles leaving the skin more elastic, radiant and smoother.
Cherro Live Cell Extract Gold also contains high concentration of SOD (Super-Oxide Dismutase) which decomposes “Free Radical” which is the main cause of cell aging from the body. It restores body cell’s vigor, prevents unhealthy melanin production and premature sicknesses.
It is recommended to inject 2 ampoules per day. Injection should be administered on alternate day basis. The result can be seen as soon as the first injection and yet highly depends on the individual's age and health condition. 30 ampoules are considered as one full course of treatment. This treatment can be repeated after 12 months.
Ewe Embryo Live Cell, Coenzyme Q10,Amini Acids, EGF (epidermal Growth Factor), Arbutin , Nucleic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, Immune Globulin, Bacopa, ERP (Epidermal Repair Factor)pellicle ,Pellicle Growth Factor and SOD (Super-oxide Dismutase)
• Increased absorption ability of membrane cells.
• Improved blood circulation and microciculation.
• Reduced obesity particles and cholesterol.
• Perfectible the formation of endocrinic hormones and to achieve its balances.
• Ferment which rectifies the order of DNA and strengthesns immune system.
• Increased the speed of metabolism process and its adaptability.
• Remove pigmentation and speckles.