Chérro, Switzerland
Chérro, Switzerland is the leading beauty salon in Penang. We are known for our compassionate, caring thoroughly professional staff and a blissful, tranquil and contemporary atmosphere. Our philosophy is to inspire, inform and reflect individual beauty. We are dedicated to making you look and feel your very best.
About Us
Chérro, Switzerland, first began operations in the year 1997. Through the years the company has grown rapidly under the guidance of Chérro management, Chérro Switzerland has continued to introduce the latest product ranges for the benefit of its ever growing list of clients. Chérro Switzerland offers a comprehensive line of innovative skin and body care products that are inspired by years of advance medical research which has helped shape the latest trends in innovation and revolutionary skin care treatments available today.
In Chérro Malaysia, We focus on product distribution, marketing and customer service. Providing excellent partnership service is of high importance to us too. Systematic business management, sales & marketing support and prompt response time are efficiently and effectively carried out.
Chérro, Switzerland has established a Quality Management System (QMS), which reflect all the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2000.
Chérro exercise this responsibility through:
• To provide good products and services to the customer.• Adequate training of our employees to provide good services to the customer.
• Total commitment to meeting and exceeding customer requirements. (Product conformity, good services and on - time delivery, etc.)
• Maintaining an organizational culture that fosters continuous improvement.
• To provide a framework for establishing and reviewing Quality Objectives.
• The quality management system is communicated and understood within the organization